Sorry I've been MIA for a little while! I hurt my back very badly a few months ago and I just started taking yoga classes to help me heal. They are so amazing for my back that I go every chance I get so I've been neglecting my blog a bit - sorry! I'm back now!
Do you remember my differentiated word problem curriculum (available at my TpT and TN stores)? I blogged about it here. Well I finally have pictures for you of my kids working hard to solve word problems at their level.
This picture shows the book that most of my kindergarten students were using. It had a word problem with the key information underlined to help cue them in to it.

This student was so proud to show me that she found a problem with cookies in it! That made her really excited to solve the problem! Mmmmmm!

This student was able to read the text of the problem independently and was so proud to sound out the words to figure out how to solve.

These two friends were working side-by-side solving word problems at their own level. You can see one student has a simplified problem, but they are good friends and wanted to solve problems sitting together and now they can despite their different academic levels.

I've had happy solvers for several weeks as we've been working on these books. We are just about to do our post-assessment to determine how our students' scores went up over the course of this IWT cycle. I think the results will be really exciting.
Off to yoga class again!
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